I have just got round to reading The Anthologist by Nicholson Barker which I was given for my birthday back in September. One reason that I am enjoying it is that, apart from its story, it is a meditation on the writing of poetry. Two epigrammatic references of the narrator (whose writer's block is preventing him from producing an introduction to a verse anthology) made me pull out notebook and pen:
- "Auden believes that you should write drunk and revise sober."
-"Frost said that free verse was like playing tennis without a net."
Both observations strike me as true and relevant to a number of conversations in progress.
The prospect, after a damp and raw afternoon, of home made tomato soup made with fresh chicken stock and spiced with cardamom.
Thanks Joe and Heidi, I'm so pleased to think of them on your walls and remember fondly our day with you!
Sometimes my writing reads as if I were drunk when I wrote it, when, in fact, I was not. Wonder how it would read if I were?
Your soup sounds delicious. Do you use fresh or tinned tomatoes?
I know this delightful randomness has been alluded to before but this time you've excelled yourself. Art, writing, soup: C'est l'homme; c'est le veritable Plutarch.
Crow: I find that for soup fresh tomatoes are preferable. Irather spoilt this soup as it happened by inlcluding a whole chilli which I forgot to remove before liquidising.
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