Look,you can hear the broken windows shout. Listen, their mouths are wide open.
The intuitive nature of its search engine is said to the basis of Google's initial success. Today, I see just how intuitive it can be when I start a search on John Milton. I type the letter "J", and Google comes up with a list of prompts, the first of which is jet blue. "Jo" produces Joann Fabrics at the head of the list; "Joh", John Mayer; "John", John Mayer again. In response to "John M" Google comes up immediately with John Milton at the head of the list, having wisely and intuitively deposed John Mayer from prime position.
Although I have planted peas, beans, carrots and salad, there is as yet no sign of their germination. Perhaps I sowed them too early, despite the instructions on the seed packets, which clearly indicate March. But in the greenhouse today, hope returns as I spot the first tomato seedlings standing up above the compost.
You're inviting me to share your pre-germination worries. Our recent windfall has allowed us to pass these on to our paid-for gardener. So I can read your post without danger.
What's eerie about Google's predictive dropdown is how quickly, after minimal input, it can come up with a four-word phrase that exactly describes my needs. There is no question that it knows me.
Google has asked me to thank you for your appeciation which it had of course anticipated.
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