An irritating habit which should only be practiced in private is switching from TV station to TV station at in a random search for something of interest. I don't like it when other people do it. I don't even like it when I do it. But what's this? The French apparently have a single word for to surf or hop channels: zapper. All I need is an opportunity to use it.
In the section of The Grove where they do not cut the grass, a crowd dandelion clocks float like buoys in a green sea.
Uh...zapper is what we (some of us) call the TV remote control over here, and zapping is the active verb for surfing/cruising, though zapping is used less frequently, in my experience.
Getting zapped can refer to either getting drunk as a skunk or being shocked by static or live electricity. Used to apply to being hit with a taser, but that word is now tasered.
Love the breakwater photo, Plutarch.
re: photo - the rest of that thought is that I like how the sea horizon disappears into the sky.
(Not thinking well today - making plumbing repairs and fighting with spiders in the darkest corner of the basement. UGHHH!)
I'm glad to know that remote controls are called zappers. I've always looked for a good word. I'll use it in future.
I share your dislike of spiders. How brave you sound down there in the cellar! Of one thing I am certain. If I were a spider I would be more scared of a crow than the most arachnophobic crow could be of a spider. Courage, dear Crow.
Wondered if my €2 paperback French-French dicker had the word and lo: 1. Passer d'une chaine de télévision à l'autre avec la télecommande. (Which certainly validates the reason for inventing zapper. 2. Changer d'occupation, d'opinion.
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