Growing potatoes in bags turned out to an utter failure. Six seed potatoes produced a crop of not more than 12 rather small tubers. I did not however empty the compost from the bag and must have left one tuber behind because today I notice, a single, green stem of potato leaves projecting quite unseasonably from the top of the bag. The stone that the builder rejected. But how will it fare, sheltered though the bag is, in the coming winter?
I have been watching the workmen in The Grove sweeping up leaves with blowers. These devices are powered by some sort of internal combustion engine strapped to their backs. They are equipped with ear muffs, because the machines are noisy. They blow the leaves into heaps, which they then transfer to sacks. Most open air jobs appeal to me, but this one strikes me as especially pleasing.
1 comment:
The position of the gloves suggests an artisan "just hanging on" which, alas, is unsupported by what you post. I am struck by the inability - perhaps disinclination - of retail outlets trying to aspire to a state of affection with their customers. How rare this is nowadays, although in TW, despite no doubt punitive rentals, there seem to be one or two outposts. The trouble is that affection must be combined with efficiency and frequently these two qualities are polar opposites. Hereford, despite its smallness, remoteness and tendency towards the rural offers nothing that would qualify as The Beloved Shop. Correction: one exception, Mousetrap not only sells good cheese but also makes it.
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