Every window has a story.
After a bad day Toby and Pippa cheer me up with helpful proposals. This morning I feel better, more cheerful and look forward to day's visitors. The fact that the first thing which I am doing today is bring this up to date is surely a good sign. There are indications of sunshine outside the window.
Neighbour Pam brings me a meal and sits me down in front of the television with cushions and blankets. I am set up in unaccustomed comfort to watch the new series called 37 Days about the build up to World War 1. It strikes me as ordering and explaining the facts better than the pages of history I have just been reading. Two more episodes to go. Well acted and well written, it might only be criticised for its degree of simplification. It could equally be praised as an example of fiction approaching the truth more precisely that than history itself.
I'm glad to read you are feeling a bit better. Perhaps some sunshine is just what you need.
Your series of doorways and windows is fascinating to me, for the very reason you describe: the stories they could tell.
Doorways, daylight, windows, glass - this series tells the human story.
Ah! This window photo looks as though it has captured the prequel to those photos of the pussy cat out in nature ... by the looks of the bent metal, the cat has broken out of his city abode.
Thanks all. Encouraging to know that these photographs from the archive can initiate a story. Stories I find are important to me at the moment.
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