Sunday, November 09, 2008

unexpected, Autumn, tea

Posted by Picasa Pay in the sky.

Voici moins de plaisirs, mais voici moins de peines.
Le rossignol se tait; se taissent les sirènes. Agrippa D'Aubigné (1532 -1630), sums up the sadness and the consolations of Autumn.
Here are fewer pleasures, but fewer pains as well;
The sirens fall silent, and the nightingale.

Tea is no longer merely tea. Just a few of the "teas" I noted this morning on sale in Sainsbury's: Blueberry, White Peony, Fennel, Peppermint and Eucalyptus, Echinacea. Moroccan Mint, Red Bush.


Zhoen said...

Tisane is too difficult for anyone who hasn't had a proper cup of tea in them.

Roderick Robinson said...

I can recommend peppermint tea as an aperient.

Rossignol skis were one of the indirect forces that encouraged me to take up ski-ing. Alas, I never had the cash to buy them and had to make do with less-evocative Fischers.