Saturday, March 14, 2009

visitors, line, carrots

I have been trying to take photographs of birds flitting about in the wild all day when, on returning home, I spot and snap these blue tits through the study window.

Some years ago, at an exhibition at Tate Modern, I saw a quotation from Paul Klee on one of the walls in a room of his pictures. I like his work for the way its fantasy tends to veer towards reality, and for its insights into the way things are structured. The quotation was about a line "going for a walk ... for the sake of the walk". I wrote a poem at the time, with his words as an epigraph and forgot about it. Until yesterday, when on Marja-Leena's blog (see link in right hand window) I saw a video by William Kentridge called "Taking a line for a walk". By way of response I sent my poem to Marja-Leena, who has published it next to the video. Klee's line seems to have wondered through the ether in a curious and satisfying way.

In the greengrocer's next to the Opera House, I see a display of rough looking carrots, in colour black, and yellow as well as orange. Their shape is much like those of the uniform orange carrots you normally see, except they are of different lengths and thicknesses. Their description "Natural carrots" appeals in particular, and reminds me that cultivated carrots are related to the wild carrot Daucus carota, an umbelliferous plant with an unassuming root, according to Mrs M Grieve's A Modern Herbal "small and spindle shaped, whitish, slender and hard."

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