Saturday, January 23, 2010

tree, toys, camellia

Posted by Picasa Composition. Winter on The Common 2.
There is a toyshop in The High Street to which I am always drawn. It sells garments as well as toys and focuses on children under 5, and as my grandchildren are now on their way to adulthood, if not already there, there are few excuses for me to go in. Today, however, Heidi wants a present for a new born cousin, and while she is making up her mind between a rabbit and a little floral dress, I am left free to play with musical tops, drum kits, marble-runs and soft toys which tinkle when you shake them. Heaven! When I tire of the toys I look up to admire the colourful engine drawing a train of trucks from, which dolls and bears wave down at me, and which circulates on the long, narrow track suspended from the ceiling above my head.
Some years ago I commented, at about this time of year, on the camellia in flower in a front garden Grove Avenue. It is always surprising to see a shrub in flower in January, especially one as pink and perfect as this one, and after such a prolonged cold spell too. It reminds me that last time I mentioned it, I miss-spelled camellia. Progress, I suppose, of a kind.

1 comment:

The Crow said...

It is my considered opinion that grown-ups need toys every bit as much - if not more - than do our much younger counterparts. One of my favorite authors is Rosemary Wells, whose picture books for pre-schoolers, about a brother-sister pair of bunnies, make me laugh everytime I read them.

I am always on the hunt for small wind-up walking toys, another heart's-delight of mine.

Wouldn't hurt to just drop in the shop every now and then, to see what's new, would it?
