This tomb-like memorial to Oscar Wilde by Maggie Hambling is just opposite Charing Cross station. Oscar's recumbent position is explained by the quotation from Lady Windermere's Fan inscribed on the far side: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
Hot cross buns for breakfast. But they didn't come easily. I have to search for some normal buns made with ordinary white flour through a mass of buns made with whole meal flour and, driven by a frenzied need on the parts of supermarkets for novelty, even chocolate hot cross buns. Hot may be, but cross understandably, sums up the attitude of a woman engaged in the same search. "Who wants these?" she asks.
A poster of Debbie Reynolds, who played opposite Gene Kelly in Singing in the Rain, is the last thing you expect to see in The Grove. But there she is on the notice board by the entrance to the little park. The poster announces her forthcoming appearance at The Assembly Hall. "Alive and fabulous" is the slogan that introduced her one-woman show. Some of us get older. Some just dance their way to Tunbbridge Wells.
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