A bumble bee collapses on our doorstep. Give it some honey someone says. We watch it feast and revive.
On the garden table a vase of cut flowers seems out of place but cheers in an unexpectedly chill wind as coals might in a grate indoors.
In the village of Hawkurst, where there is a small cinema., we are having difficulty in finding somewhere to park. In a cul-de-sac some people stare apprehensively at my friend Peter who is driving. All the parking places belong to the houses in the small road. We are about to go and the couple who are loading a car continue to watch us with suspicion. As he backs the car, Peter lowers the window and says " I saw you were worried, we're not going to park. It's obviously a problem here." The woman smiles meaning"it is" but says, "Have you tried the car park." Full," we say. "We're off to the cinema," says Peter. "Look," says the woman, " park over there,"pointing to a space over which she has parking rights. Peter offers her and the man with her a sweet as we leave to underline our appreciation of an act of kindness.