Saturday, November 30, 2013

Swallow, weapon and focus

Swallow from the summer archive.

Watches are beautiful and fascinating things. But the cost of building the best is often astonishing. My Swatch wrist watch which retails at around £50 has served me well for several years and rarely if ever seems to need adjusting. Today I read of an atomic watch designed by Richard Hoptroff at a cost of £50,000. Cheap for a  luxury watch apparently. But the things that catches me eye is that the atomic component, not manufactured by the designer, is also a miniaturised  component of a  military drone. Only 12 of the atomic watches are to be made. But I read that buyers are expected to sign an undertaking not to use  the watches as weapons. Puts me off a bit.

Focus is the thing.  H is recovering from the jaundice which is the immediate problem to be tackled. She remains in hospital for a few more days after which she should be home. We are looking forward to a taste of the normal. She remains cheerful in spite of boredom. Every now in then she remembers as I do how fortunate she is to be in a NHS hospital with private rooms, modern equipment and doctors and nurses who are kind an caring.


Roderick Robinson said...

Tell H I sympathise with her and jaundice. I had it when I was perhaps ten or twelve and I can remember exactly when it started - my mother had taken us to Harrogate and we were eating meat paste sandwichs sheltering under a conifer on The Stray while it rained. Suddenly the malaise descended and many years were to pass before I willingly went to Harrogate again.

The treatment seemed archaic and "folksy" - to drink great quantities of lemon-barley water each day. I quite liked lemon-barley water but by the second day liking had turned to antipathy. The act of drinking became as physical as shifting sacks of coal and just as exhausting. I trust treatment has moved on. All the best from both of us.

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