With a Bramley cooking apple and some Coxes, I make an apple sauce, seasoned with cinnamon. It is good with a pork chop but better, the following two mornings, as an accompaniment to breakfast fruit. The Bramley is important because of its acidity. Acidity provides backbone for many drinks, white wine in particular; and among white wines, especially sweet wines , such as Sauternes. Without it, it would be cloying and flat. Human nature too, it strikes me, if only gentle and accommodating, has no purchase, unless offset by a sharp and honest edge.
Though the snow is melting, this morning, ice prevails on pavements and ungritted roads. People, particularly older people, pick their way with care, or share the roadway, with the few vehicles, which venture out. There is a kind of charm in the care and attention given to the business, usually taken for granted, of walking.
Something slightly sinister about that railing end.
No Bramleys here, more's the pity. I deplore Granny Smiths...
Folks here are astir with the new apple ~ the Pinata. Do the British grocers carry them?
I miss Bramleys. Can't get them here. I miss their sharpness. Only Granny Smiths, which like Lucy I can't abide. Now I am craving a well made apple sauce.
I can see the photo of the railing as an animal - a large rodent perhaps - it could be a cave painting. On first seeing it, I thought it was a painting.
I'll look out for Pinata, continue to avoid Granny Smiths, and will value Bramleys all the more.
I see the creature as a cat.
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