Saturday, June 22, 2013

Reflections, out of date and spiky

Reflections in still water.

It is is too trivial to be irritating but the use of old fashioned words and spelling, if it does nothing else serves as a deterrent rather than an attraction in advertising. The restaurant behind The Town Hall  which promotes itself as "purveyors of seasonal local fayre" despite my interest in eating out fails even to make me want to walk 50 yards down the street to inspect the menu.

Today's blustery weather has blown down spiky green conkers which lie on the path under a horse chestnut a foretaste of Autumn on the longest day of the year but one.

In case I have misled anyone the address of my short story blog is  I may have typed "co" instead of "com". The story  consists only of two short paragraphs.

1 comment:

Tom said...

I find it particularly angerfying that nothing is sacred in the world of business and advertising. Nothing is too old, too beautiful, too wonderful, too anything to be degraded for the sake of money. Sorry Joe; I wish I had some of your sang froid.