Saturday, November 23, 2013

Gulls, sweetness and looking to be spry.

Gulls and vapour trail - a memory of summer.

Sweet flavours no longer attract me. Sometimes before settling down to a book aftera meal I would crave a sweety . For reasons which I cannot fathom the desire has dissappeared.  And I am glad of it. Sweetness is an ornament of  taste, but the harsher edges of reality, the complexity of saltiness, sour and bitter not to forget the compex glutamate inspired umami ( a Japanese word to describe a particular savoury quality found in spicey food) seem preferable.

As I get better I take a little walk in front to the house helped by a stick. "Morning constitutional?" says a brisk grey haired woman whom I don't think I have seen before. It makes me wonder whether I appear an infirm old man. I hope not. In fact I am beginning to regain a certain spryness. I am glad that I shaved off the beard that appeared a couple of weeks ago after the flu. And that today my hairdresser friend Chris popped in to clip the hair which had begun to form  ungainly mound on wither side of my head. A short back and sides makes me feel better.


marja-leena said...

I'm so pleased to hear that you are returning to your sprightly and spry self! How is your love doing?

Lucas said...

Amazing juxtaposition of the gulls and aeroplane - excellent photo.

Unknown said...

M-L A slow business. Likewise with her. Investigations proceed.