Fast food and architecture.
As I walk down Mount Sion I pass a man staggering up the hill. He is hugging a vaccuum cleaner. He must have been to the specialist shop on the corner of London Road and The High Street. You have to live here to be able to make such deductions.
A couple walk past the dress shop on the narrow pavement by the pedestrian crossing in the Frant Road. The man hurries on because the pavement is crowded. "Monty..." says his wife, "...Monty..." but he hurries on. "Monty," she calls this time successfully, and Monty turns back to join his wife, as together they block the pavement to consider an item of clothing in which he has, at best, a vicarious interest.
I'm enjoying the observations on this blog, both textual and photographic (KFC and classic columns go so well together...) Thank you for sharing.
This blog in part has inspired me to start a new creative project on mine, which also involves impressions and observations:
KFC is falling down, falling down,
KFC is falling down,
My fair lady.
For some reason 'Monty' really tickles me. Reminds me a bit of going to a vide grenier up on the coast years ago with Tom's daughter and son-in-law. There was plenty of overpriced junk about, and Maria kept calling after her husband 'Chris, Chris...', without response. A family group of estuary English-speaking tourists was also milling about, and one of the rather burly blokes called over
' 'ere, Chris, she's shouting yer!'
to which Chris replied,
'Whatever it is you're not buying it.'
HK Good of you to look in. Keep observing. It helps the world to go round.
BB Only it doesn't fall down. We find its tubs, sometimes still loaded in our hedge.
L Monty and Chris. Two of a kind.
How awful I feel for your town to have KFC grafitti marring such beautiful buildings. I remember the Colonel's chicken when it was just a Southern chain of family restaurants. The grease-infused stuff the Pepsico people peddle today bears no resemblence to Sander's original offerings.
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