From the train I note a field, rusty with the red spikes of dock.
Beside the railway, on waste land, it is the season for buddleia, which for some reason grows wild along the line, even out of cracks in walls. With flowering over, it is a scruffy plant unless tended by gardener with shears, and the dead flowers, shrivelled and hollow blooms, become an eyesore. But just now the the plant, in its wild state, is at its best, and on one patch of waste land, I catch sight of the long stems of flowers rising and falling, like purple fountains.
There is a fascinating magic in seeing the green leaves apparently sprouting from stone.
I remember the view from a 2nd storey flat I had in Cardiff of a buddleia growing out of a chimney stack.
Buddleia - proof that renewal can be a stronger force than destruction.
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