In a list of French terms of endearment (man to woman) are biche, doe; and crotte, dropping or in plain language turd.
Danny Moon who comes to the pub from time to time is in good form today. He shows us his bank card with his name embossed on it. He is, according to the card, Lord Danny Moon. Apparently he bought a square metre of a Scottish island last year which brought the title with it. He gave his bank the evidence and they issued him with new cards. He says, a check out girl at Tesco asked him how he got the title. "I gave £2 million to a charity," he told her. "Have you got any left?" said the girl. "It made me laugh all the way home," he says.
This photo of your garden suggests there is more just around the bend at the top, hidden from view.
Yours is a garden of secrets, rather than a secret garden, and is truly lovely. You have good reason to be pleased with it.
Biche I have heard often, including one Christmas when the butcher was supplying an attractive woman with her cut of venison: 'C'est de la biche, ma biche!'
Crotte I have not heard used in this way, and think perhaps I will err on the side of caution and not experiment with it...
Your garden is indeed lovely.
Knowing your garden, somewhat, I am enormously impressed by the way you, or Nature, or le Grand Seigneur have turned (please advise on the appropriate verb form here) it into a mystery. And refuse to accept this is just a trick of photography.
Thanks everyone for pat on back. The best thing I did in the bit of garden shown in the photograph was to find a use for the unproductive ground under the hedge. On some surplus bricks I arranged flower pots containing herbs. Even after last year's severe winter, the herbs survived, because so well sheltered, and the little path, bordered by a narrow bed on the other side, has become full of interest through out the year.
Lucy Crottin is of course a small goat cheese as well as the dropping of a small animal.
According to Collins Robert Ma petite crotte is a term of affection which it translates as "my little sausage". It also offers "crotte de chocolat".
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