Where the pruners have been the sap is still rising.
The antithesis of the way Marcel is described looking at pictures in A La Recherches du temps perdu, is found a little further at the very dinner dinner party, the start of which was delayed because he became absorbed in a group of paintings belonging to his host.
' " Ah the Hague! What a gallery! " cried M. de Guermantes,' (he who had conducted Marcel to the paintings, and left him to contemplate them on his own). 'I said to him that he had doubtless admired Vermeer's 'View of Delft'. But the Duke was less erudite than arrogant. Accordingly he contented himself with replying in a self-complacent tone, as was his habit whenever anyone spoke to him of a picture in a gallery, or in the Salon, which he did not remember having seen: "If it's to be seen, I saw it." '
Now Compasses is truly relaunched. I've answered Lucy's question; Lucy has answered mine and asked me another question: "Are you smiling?" The motor is ticking over.
A perfect example of my personal Proust mantra: remember, it's a great comic novel.
Spot on. The comedy is brilliant. I missed or did not fully appreciate all of it, on my first and second readings, in particular, in the lengthy account of the Guermantes dinner party in the Guermantes Way. And I have just finished the interview with de Charlus, where Marcel, losing his temper,after showing great restraint, stamps on the baron's top hat and tears the remains to shreds.
I am very much enjoying your Spring flowers and like especially the cricket roller. Also, the fascinatig exchange that is now taking place on compasses is a delight to follow.
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