We are talking in The Compasses about regulars at the pub who are no longer with us. Everyone remembers David Spence who used to sit at the end of the bar on a bar stool beside the door. He spoke to no one who hadn't been a regular for five years at least. He drowned after falling off a gang-plank while returning to his yacht after an evening's drinking." Four people used to sit there regularly," says Geoff, "and they all died within 10 years. David Spence was the chair's last regular occupant." A proper pub story, for a winter night. Today the sun is shining.
When I take some beans to Clare Law of Three Beautiful Things blogging fame she gives me a small bunch of nasturtiums, the colour of Burgundy.
Old style or new style burgundy? Thick rich stuff that leaves a deposit on the inside of the bottle or a much lighter citrousy liquid you can peer through? Both, when they're at their best, as volatile as petrol. But if you spend less than £50 a bottle chances are none of this will mean anything.
It's years since I had a decent bottle of Burgundy for reasons which you supply, but the colour of the more mature and likely the more expensive stuff is about right. The petals react to the light in much the same way as the wine.
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