Sunday, May 27, 2012

blue duck blackbird head dress

Another in my series of  water colour doodles.

All afternoon a blackbirds sits in the cool of the lime tree overhead and repeats the insistent and complex sentences of its song. Close too it is almost deafening.

Outside The Compasses a young woman has her sunglasses pushed up above her forehead and over her hair  so that thetwin lenses resemble some form of head gear, a hat or what is called (though now scorned and out of fashion) a fascinator.


CC said...

Like your blue bird doodle.....

tristan said...

you've reminded me of a time i stood next to a statuesque disco queen in a bus queue in brighton at six in the morning, two hours before sunrise ... and it was a couple of minutes before i noticed that the snowflakes were beginning to settle on her false eyelashes and on the versace sunglasses she had perched on top of her lacquered coiffure

marja-leena said...

Love the watercolour, Joe.