Sunday, September 15, 2013

Textures, sap, fruit and forecasts

Cloud and rooftop. A contrast in textures,

While sap still runs in the leaves,  fruit, nuts and conkers ripen and fall. Climbing beans hang ever more densely on the vines and butter nut squash ripen among their foliage. Autumn is upon us and Winter looms. Seed catalogues arrive through the post with promise of a new growing cycle. Paul the gardener opines with a capacity for stating the obvious rivalling even my own that one season follows another.

Yesterday's forecast promised gales and heavy rain for the country as a whole. Yet outside the window  this morning the leaves are  so still they might have been carved out of stone and the sun shines from a misty blue sky. By this afternoon the prophecy begins to be proved true. Rain drops speckle the window pane.



Roderick Robinson said...

There's a basic flaw with weather forecasts. Nothing to do with whether or not they're accurate, rather remembering what was said. I believe the major TV forecasts (eg, after the 10 pm news) last 2 min. but it feels much longer. Far too much is said. The predictive time-span covers three days and the geography the whole of the British Isles. My mind wanders, tending to latch on to the linguistic oddities that emerge. Early on in the forecast the met person may use a slightly unusual phrase or word such as "showers will pepper the high ground." Thereafter "pepper" may recur a further two or three times. Bored, I keep score and thus lose all sense of everything else said. A predominantly futile exercise but VR forbids me to switch it off.

Unknown said...

My mind too wanders duirng the forecast. If I am told that a cold front is causing problems in the Highlands of Scotand my attention, focused as it usually is on the Weald of Kent closes down. Only when I hear that showers are "marching across the country" from the west does it wake up in wonder at the use of the language, which I quite like.

CC said...

My favorite time of year.

Predictable boring weather reporting
infests both sides of the pond....after 3 or more repetitions it has all exited the other ear.

Addie said...

This is a grreat post