Saturday, April 26, 2008

poster, the end, clock

Announced and forgotten. "What images return
O my daughter."

There is a man who wanders round Tunbridge Wells singing loudly, a tuneless incantation. He is in full throat this morning in the middle of the farmers' market. He is wearing a red fez and carries an orange, plastic bag. People smile and look away. He sings the same words over and over again. "It's the end of the world tomorrow." He draws out the syllables and repeats "tomorrow." Again: "It's the end of the world, tomorrow....To blow us all away."

In a greenhouse, by no apparent design, is a single dandelion clock on top of a long stem. Through the transparent, silvery sphere, you can see the brown core where the seeds reside beneath their tufted wings. No breath of air disturbs this perfect structure.
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Anonymous said...

The singer is "NAUGHTY BOY " - he even has a group on facebook

tristan said...

lovely image, a bit like some of dali's paintwork

Lucy said...

The whole post has a slight air of menace about it: the image and the quote, the fez-wearing, demented prophet of doom, the time running out for the dandelion clock...brrr!

Unknown said...

Thank you anon. I can understand that he is called Naughty Boy because one of the themes which he sings is: "I'm a naughty boy." I thought of Dali too when the photograph came out. It does, I suppose, have a slight air of menace, Lucy. I hadn't thought of that. I must be careful with these strange images that time and weather wreak on exposed surfaces.