Tuesday, July 11, 2006

In the gutter, turnips, namesake

Some days a go I referred here to a narrow strip of front garden which had been sown with wild flowers. This mini-meadow has died back in the dry weather and its dead remains been raked up and left in an unsightly heap. A few yards down the road, however, some of the seed have found a new home, grown up and flowered in the gutter. Parked cars must have prevented the seedlings being swept up by the road cleaners. What did Oscar Wilde say about lying in the gutter and looking at the stars?

What a lovely contrast in colour are the turnips which I planted in the Spring and are now ready for harvesting! Beneath an umbrella of coarse, green leaves, the upper part of the root is purple, the lower part, white.

Opening at random the Penguin Classics edition of Montaigne's essays, I find a passing reference to my namesake. Of Plutarch, he says, "of all the authors I know, he is the best at combining art with nature, and judgement with knowledge". Something to live up to!

1 comment:

tristan said...

i want to know how montaigne managed to find the time to read and write so much in the days of poor candlelight and slow travel!