Sunday, May 30, 2010

woodruff, Latin, brass

Posted by PicasaThe star shaped flowers and star shaped whorls of woodruff have been a feature of our garden since we  introduced this woodland plant  under the hedge about 25 years ago. In Germany it is is known as Waldmeister, the Master of the Wood and is used in traditional punch known as Mai Bowle. You can make a tisane with it, which is reputed to "lift the spirit" or  leave it among your linen to impart a smell of new hay and keep moths away. 

Outside Hall's book shop two young women browse the 50p display. "I like the Romans," says one. " We did it at school. Hadrian's Wall and that."

A dreaded, amplified rock music festival  is promised in The Pantiles, but when I walk through it this morning, there on the bandstand is Edenbridge Brass Band. Blessed sound! And all generated without the help of amplifiers. Bill, who is  usually at The Compasses, is sitting outside The Swan with a pint. We agree on the pleasure of brass bands. "And there are lots of youngsters playing," he says and indeed there are - evidence that we may still retain a degree of sanity in the years to come. "The amplifiers come this afternoon, " says Bill, "but I'll be gone by then." 


marja-leena said...

Interesting information about woodruff, thank you! We call it sweet woodruff here and I have it in my garden as well. A little invasive but still such a nice ground cover, it finished blooming a couple of weeks ago, probably battered by too much rain this month.

The Crow said...

Some of the German settlers to Pennsylvania used sweet woodruff in a young spring wine, to flavor it. It is still called May wine around here.

Roderick Robinson said...

The problem with brass bands is they get ideas above their station. Fine when they're doing Sousa marches but far less satisfying with things like Barber's Adagio. It was written for strings, you tell yourself, so why introduce trombones? Because it highlights our technique, they say. Thoughts on dogs and hinder legs rise up unbidden.

Unknown said...

M L Your season and ours seem about in tune at the moment. I think it is also known as Sweet Woodruff here.

Crow Interesting about the German settlers continuing the practice in Pennsylvania.

BB I think I like jollity of brass bands if there is such a word. As William Cowper said of tea they cheer but do not innebriate.