To appreciate flowers properly you often have to grow them yourself. A certain variety of sedum began to appeal to me last year at about this time. A year or so ago I couldn't put a name to it. Its big fleshy leaves have an architectural attraction of their own even out of season, but in September with its flower heads opening in clouds of little flowers, it bring new life to a border. Until I planted two sedums earlier this summer, which are now in flower, I don't think I really understood them, as I do now. In the process of writing this post, I pop out of the front door to have another look.
In The Grove, this afternoon a group of dads, have gathered opposite the playground where their children are engaged. One of the dads must have said to another: "To think, we might have been in the pub instead of wasting time here." "Why not bring the pub to us?" another must have said. Because, here they are now, standing round a litter bin, bottles, wine glasses and beer mugs on the bin cover, happy as lambs clover, as if they were in the pub rather than on child duty in the playground.
Given the current law on alcohol consumption in public places surely it's just a matter of time before a voice is heard saying, "Allo allo, what's going on here then?"
Nice to see Maya enjoying an afternoon in the Compasses pub garden... even if she doesn't spend a penny and eats all their ice cubes! We only go there for her you know...
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