Morning glories again. They persist, running along the branch of a vigorous climbing rose, and weighing it down; although, almost as a guage of temperature, they seem paler in the autumnal weather.
In Hall's bookshop, following a discussion about the charms of cumbersome19th Century novels Sabrina says: "Have you seen the box of French paperback?" She has never taken to stocking books in French, and hides them away out of sight. She pulls a box from under a table. They aren't all paperbacks. I can't resist two Alphonse Daudet (Editions Fasquel) hardbacks with illustrations, while the paperbacks, all in good condition, include four by Henri Troyat, an author whom I have recently begun to enjoy and several others, including two by Philippe Labro, both in Gallimard's Folio Collection. I stagger to the cash desk where she casts an eye over them with apparent distaste, " Two pounds," she says.
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