Love in a mist, hugs and information and sweet corn.
Love-in-a-mist. The fruit.
Spontaneous party irrupts outside The Compasses as we unexpectedly meet friends and their two grown up daughters. Much hilarity as hugs and information are exchanged all round.
I needed to check the difference between erupts and irrupts; I applaud your pre-emptive strike in getting it in before I did.
Were the hugs accompanied with social kissing? On several occasions I have tried to raise this subject on both my blogs, emphasising my difficulties with getting it right. No one has responded, let alone offered a solution. I'd urge you to make a post on my behalf but no doubt as one who does get it right you feel it beneath you.
I needed to check the difference between erupts and irrupts; I applaud your pre-emptive strike in getting it in before I did.
Were the hugs accompanied with social kissing? On several occasions I have tried to raise this subject on both my blogs, emphasising my difficulties with getting it right. No one has responded, let alone offered a solution. I'd urge you to make a post on my behalf but no doubt as one who does get it right you feel it beneath you.
I would have need to check too. It was just luck that irrupts was what I meant.
Yes. They are great kissers these people. The girls like the father are very tall while the mother is very short, which involves a degree of exercise.
I know how social kissing, hugging and the like has troubled you in the past. Me too. But nowadays I tend to go with the flow as they say.
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