Thursday, January 18, 2007

black and white, wind power, french french

If I took a colour photograph from our bedroom window this morning, it would appear to be a black and white photograph. Even the evergreen leaves in the distance behind the tulip tree appear to be grey.

A big wind today.It is enjoyable to walk through it, swaying and steadying oneself, as though drunk.

The French dictionary, which I picked up the other day at Hall's bookshop, is proving to be an unexpected pleasure when reading in bed. It has almost entirely taken the place of the Cassell's French English dictionary, which I have been using continuously for the last four or five years. Reading defintions in French rather than going from French to English, is a little slower, but enhances the constant sense of discovery, which is part of the pleasure I get from reading in French. It is Le Robert micro poche. Micro it may be but it manages to include anlalogies, synonyms and antonyms in its defintions, while remaining comfortable to handle.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I've also enjoyed the big wind today. Although I do keep worrying about trees falling on my head! I also liked the imagery of Mr & Mrs Crow. Your posts make me want to stop and look more closely.