I plod round Sainsbury's my trolley in front of me like a Zimmer frame. As I don't have a shopping list, I walk down every aisle picking what I fancy. An interesting reversal of the normal procedure. But if you follow this routine you find yourself in the middle of a parade of others doing the same thing. A woman with emergent cables is overflowing with a steady stream of pop music. I try to adjust my pace to avoid contact but it doesn't always work. Other people's gratuitous music! A topic for discussion if not the urge to escape.
The sun has been shining all day. For the first time for weeks I am on my own. Not a bad thing. Papers and reading matter to be sorted and discarded. Music too spurred on by recent conversations is rearranged and made more accessible. Above all I must keep moving. So I walk in The Grove stopping in patches of sunshine to contemplate what ever is in front of me. Nothing is anything like back to normal. Certainly not. Rather a question of settling to something new, quite different and challenging.
a challenge is almost always a very good idea ... and keeping moving is a great challenge in itself
steam - pressurized water vapor used for heating, cooking, or to provide mechanical power.
The Steam photo is very good. Steam and smoke of the pacific kind make excellent subject matter, I think.
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