Every morning recently Mrs Plutarch draws my attention to a chimney stack down the road crowded with pigeons. For some reason they like to gather there as the day brightens.Why, we don't know. Perhaps because at the base of one of those chimney someone is stoking a good fire. After a while the pigeons give the impression of looking at their wrist watches and saying in chorus: " Goodness me, look at the time. Must be off to work."
Walt Whitman is quoted in the leader of the December National Geographic:
"But where is what I started for so long ago?
And why is it yet unfound?"
Sometimes questions are more satisfying than answers.
A good example of one of our favourite adjectives, first used (at a hazy guess) in 1964. Palimpsestuous.
The Whitman quote reminds me of your and Lucy's 'Compasses' questions.
Sorry, meant the "Questions" part over there...
LdP In the days before word-processing you applied it to my over corrected manuscripts. This must be the first time that the word has been used to describe floor covering.
M-L I agree. I had the same thought. You are thinking I believe of my 50 sonnet series which Lucy so imaginatively illustrated under the title Handbook for Explorers, in the early days of our joint Compasses site.
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