In these hard times shops are closing. It is the season of percentages. Fifty percent off in one instance. Seventy-five in another. But always with the weasel words "Up to" skillfully inserted so as not to be noticed by customers eager for a bargain.
Weather forecasts, professional and amateur, are unhelpful most of the time . Black clouds are massing in the West. It's going to rain. But where? Not here. Or there. but not down the road. There is no precision. My own all-purpose weather saw is:
" All signs and portents do ignore
't will rain when it rains, not one minute after,
not one before".
Lovely photo! And a weather forecast that is always right!
Poor frozen little Squirrel. No heater, no blankets, no warm soup or tea.
Squirrel appears to beg: "Please, sir, have you a peanut to spare? A crust of bread, perhaps?"
Lovely frosty scene, Plutarch.
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