Labels which have to be peeled off individual, supermarket fruit such as apples or pears showing their provenance or variety can be a nuisance, but when the labels are removed and stuck into my scrap book next door to something inappropriate such as a Turner landscape or a nude by Cranach, they can take on a new and surprising significance.
Nine jars of Seville Orange marmalade still hot and ready to be labelled are my reward for today's chopping, boiling and ladling.
When I used to do more on Flickr, there was a group for photos called 'Stick Figures in Trouble' where people were invited to submit things like stick figures being electrocuted or falling over clffs. There was a corresponding group called 'Stick Figures who have the Situation Under Control', to which I think your photo could belong.
I've been making marmalade today too, though it's a process I tend to spread over a couple of days, and I have not found any Seville oranges. I find clementines actually make a good marmalade, though they need delicate handling.
Will you share your recipe...?
Meri M
For this recipe you do need the bitter Seville oranges which are only available if you can find them at this time of year. You put one and a half Kg of the oranges in into a large pan containing 3.3 Litres of water. Simmer until the skin is soft enough for you to prick the skin easily with a pin.Take out the oranges, cool and halve. Take out the pips and tie them up in a square of muslin, leaving enough string to tie the bag to the handle of the pan and bob about while the maarmalade is cooking. Cut the halves into strips of the coarseness you prefer. Put them back in the pan and stir in 3Kg of warmed sugar. Bring to the boil and boil vigorously until the setting point is reached. Test by putting a drop onto a cold plate. If the surface of the drop wrinkles the marmalade is ready. Remove the bag of pips. Leave for a few minutes for the peel to settle, and bottle in the usual way.
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