Sunday, August 19, 2012

wild drops jazz

Next door to the vegetable garden this wilderness presides. Three years ago it was a fairly well ordered collection of flowerbeds, vegetable beds and shrubs. Now it  is a paradise for foxes. In the Autumn I fear earth-movers will move in.

It is supposed to be a day of uninterrupted sunshine. Instead  around mid day clouds build up and huge drops of rain seem to condense in the air and fall at irregular intervals. We sit and enjoy the scattered drops.

Feeling starved of easily accessible jazz - it is easy to be spoilt nowadays by on-line music, I subscribe for less  than £4.00 to an iTunes album called The Number Jazz Album Ever.  It gives me 945 minutes of the great names in the genre. So at this very moment I am listening  to Charles Mingus' Better git it in Your Soul.


marja-leena said...

Isn't it amazing how quickly nature takes over? The dreaded morning glory does look pretty though.

Unknown said...

Interesting that you refer to them as morning glories. We call the white flowers bindweed. The blue flowered plant known here as morning glory is to too delicate to survive the winter and therefore is no threat.