In the gutter, a child's rubber ball, a little smaller than a football. It rolls in the breeze up and down. No one claims it. A lost planet.
.Google, I see, has plans to digitize everything ever written. Well, "the world's libraries" is how they put it, copyright laws notwithstanding. Where will they draw the line, one wonders? Newpapers, scientific and technical journals? That's an awful lot of print. Amusing to think about though.
Enjoying the visual your description of the ball 'planet' conjures for me.
What is the name of the people on this planet?
And about 98% of it was printed in the 20th - 21st century. It sounds a huge project and yet there are suggestions it will only take five years. Google is secretive about the technology (although tireless surfers have tracked down the patent) but, pro tem the copyright issue appears to have been resolved following payment of £125m, peanuts for the web giant.
Crow: I have had another look at the lost planet, which now resides behind the railings of a nearby house. I can tell you that its inhabitants look rather like toy locomotives with smiling faces at the end of their boilers.
BB: What I wonder about is how Google manages to keep up to date, but that is naive of me. The whole operation is so enormous and space defying
Ah...those would be the Thomasans, of the Tankus engineii sub-species, I think.
However, I could be very wrong on that score.
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