There are some gentle steps - six or eight in all - leading past King Charles the Martyr in Chapel Place. Attached to the wall is a railing to help the aged. On my way down I greet a couple going up the steps, and taking advantage of the rail. "Hang on to the railing, Joe!" says Anne. I think of it as a slogan, but it is too late, I have managed, as I usually do (so far), without it.
"Politics", said R A B Butler who never made prime minister, "is the art of the possible". Groucho Marx defined it more precisely: "...the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies."
Groucho Marx, my favorite philosopher.
Very much enjoying your "Feet" photos.
In our downstairs loo there's a copy of Groucho's letters for those seeking the relief that laughter can bring. In one (somewhat manufactured) letter to one of his brothers he describes lunch with T S Eliot - Groucho wanting to discuss The Waste Land and Eliot insisting on questions about Duck Soup. I suspect the result was Match null with no goals scored.
There's a resonance there with the story about Churchill entertaining Irving Berlin to lunch at 10 Downing Street. It wasn't until the end of the meal that he Prime Mmnister realized that Irving Berlin was not the philosopher and academic. Isaiah Berlin, who was at the time providing the Government with regular commentaries on what was going on in Russia.
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