Earlier than usual this morning I raise the blinds and see a pink sky and light skeins of purple cloud, above the horizon. A bat flies home between the palm fronds.
A young woman glides gracefully by on a skate board. In her arms is one of those minute dogs with large ears, a chihuahua .
Be careful. I once made a joking admission to my somewhat feeble and disappointing features editor (whom you knew) that I had a fetish about women's feet. For my birthday he bought me a thick psycho-analytical tome on the subject which must have cost him quite a sum. Our relationship, never strong at the best of times, went downhill when I revealed that I was disinclined to read the book. That I had been joking. Mind you, when I look again at those naked... You were saying?
I've looked again. I am right in thinking they are a woman's feet, aren't I? The damage I might have inflicted on my psyche were they to be a fella's doesn't bear thinking about.
To tell you the truth, I can't remember. I don't know what that does for my psyche.
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