Thursday, December 05, 2013

Stepping out, smallness and patience

I was rather pleased with this heron last summer. Here he comes (is it a he?) to cheer us  this December.

Small things loom large when your are small. In a cafe a little boy is proud of drinking milk foamed by the cappuccino machine from a grown-up coffee cup.  A wee  moustache fringes  his lips. His mother has to move on and has his drink transferred to a take-way mug, so that he can have it in his push chair.  The end of the world.  What  a comedown! The promise of having the milk transferred a to a proper cup when they get home is small consolation. Somehow I know how he feels.

I pick up my camera and put it back on my desk. I am longing  to start again snapping my way through the small world in which I move. But I want to feel comfortable when I do. My doctor who is being so helpful at the moment assures me that the steroids which he is prescribing for my polymyalgia rheumatica  (hope I have it right this time) are on course to restore me to normality within a the next few weeks. So I will be patient.


1 comment:

CC said...

Hoping you feel better ASAP.
Been stiff and sore myself... with a hip replacement coming in the new year.

Lovely Heron!