Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Sunshine and humour, difference and understanding

Heidi's pictures, full of sunshine and humour keep our house happy. This "green hound" is one which we all love. It hangs over the fireplace. It is one of my beautiful thing for today, although it is rather a poor photograph and doesits intensity of colour no justice. Other  paintings will follow while I am still depending on  the archives

To everyone, my thanks for your  kind and sympathy comments here. It makes a difference.

For years the default station on my radio has been Radio 4. Today at 5 AM I switch to Radio 3. And there I think I will stay. Words have weighed the balance in the past. Now music takes over. This morning my  ears resonate with carols. I try to comprehend all the joy in the world and all the utter  misery and cruelty. Music helps. How it helps!

And a Happy Christmas


tristan said...

good morning joe .... we've been thinking about you a lot, yesterday and today, and of all the light and colour and joy that YOU provide ...

Tom said...

It is my hope and belief that between friends, words may not be necessary, but that the loving thoughts and feelings most certainly are. Mine, and I know I can speak for Lucy also, are there in abundance.

CC said...

Warmest thoughts to you today, Joe.

The Green Hound is beautiful and I look forward
to seeing more of Heidi's work.

I agree with Tristan. Thanking you for all you share here through your images and words.

The Crow said...

Hounds are graceful dogs and Heidi caught their graceful lines perfectly in her painting. I imagine the blue is a deep cobalt, against which the turquoise would vibrate - almost as if the hound were breathing.

I read somewhere, long ago, that to touch an art object is to touch the hand of the artist. If I remember correctly, the comment was made in reference to a woodcarving, but I felt the same thing when I ran my hand along the brushstrokes of a painting from a friend who lived on the other side of the country. Every time I did that, it felt as if I were touching his hand as he painted it.

I hope Heidi's painting might do the same for you.

Lucy said...

I remember the green greyhound, and how everything in your home sang with colour and robust, joyful, creative vitality that came from both of you, together. That singing won't stop.