In the Italian delicatessen at the foot of Mount Sion, the owner greets me with: "Prego?"A blue sky, remorseless sun, mortadella, mozerella, parma ham, on display, the Italian language! Why bother to go all the way to Italy?
In the garden , instead of a barbecue, just for the two of us, I use a camping stove and a griddle, to cook some sliced aubergines, peppers, squash, tomatoes and courgettes. And kebabs made with pounded lamb-mince, corriander and pine kernals. A spicy meal for the open air.
Beautiful photo of the tomatoes, Joe. Would be great on the cover of a cooking magazine, or seed packet.
i'm salivating ... literature's highest purpose has been fulfilled
Prego I suppose is the Italian equivalent of alors. Because it is an ultimate colloquialism it can - very briefly - confer a sense of language-ease on the person it is addressed to. And then comes the sad disillusion.
Thanks for kind remarks. Grazie. To which you might reply "prego".Or "not at all". But in this instance, he was, I think, saying: "Can I help you"?
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