Monday, August 09, 2010

garden, perspective, solo

Posted by PicasaA corner of our little garden.

Much of today has been spent going through old family photographs. For the benefit of Kim, my son, Toby's partner, who is coordinating  my and other people's contributions, I have compiled a web album, which begins with my grandparents and concludes with my grandchildren. It is a span of more than 100 years and, though small in comparison with some archives, it still presents thought-provoking contrasts of style, expectations and yesterday's and today's world,  which will be celebrated next month when all the offspring  are due to  gather for a family party.

Outside a shoe shop in Mount Pleasant, a fleeting fragment of dialogue intrigues. A slender girl, a cigarette in a hand, snarls into her mobile phone: "Now? I'm on my own outside. I'm not with anyone."


Roderick Robinson said...

If this is some permanent or semi-permanent project I trust the photo you took of your father - surrounded by walls of books and papers - has a prominent position.

The girl on the phone is well caught. But is the ensemble beautiful? I raise this following my lack of success in encouraging you to post a photo of TW's Millennium Clock (or was it a dome?), my request being turned down for the highest of Jamesian principles.

Lucy said...

3 - Albertine?

Unknown said...

BB No not beautiful, but I have broadened the terms of reference since embarking on Clare Grant's prototype. "Interesting" allows me to refer to observations, which are curious or amusing, if they do not happen to be beautiful as well.

Lucy At first I thought that you might be referring to a non-existent rose in the garden, perhaps the ghost of a rambler long ago scrubbed up. But no, there was nothing Proustian about the girl with the telephone. Albertine would have known how to handle a mobile with more discretion.

The Crow said...

This photo of your garden looks cool and inviting. If you don't mind, I'll save this in my files for when the heat makes going outside too uncomfortable. I'll fix myself an iced tea, pull up your photo and say, "Ahhhh..."

Lucy said...

Of course. I suppose the idea of protestations against jealous enquiry just put me in mind. Albertine certainly wouldn't squawk!

Unknown said...

Crow: Next time you see a butterly pass, jump on its back and ask it to bring you to visit.

It was a good connection, Lucy, the prisoner trying to break loose.