There is a bead shop in Tunbridge Wells. It says, "bedazzle your friends" and advertises beading parties and a series of beading lectures on such subjects as "Twisted Crystal" and "Chains and embellishments". Inside the shop are beads. Oh brave new world!
Lifting the last of the potatoes and filling baskets with them. It still touches on the excitement which archeology of buried treasure, when you reveal a cluster of tubers even though it is no surprise.
I always think digging up potatoes has the charm of the bran tub.
The title, minus commas, made me chuckle.
I have an image in my head of a potato necklace.
I remember helping my Grandad dig up potatoes. I can still smell the earth and oh, the taste of a simply boiled new potato glistening with butter!
I have an image in my head of a potato necklace.
I remember helping my Grandad dig up potatoes. I can still smell the earth and oh, the taste of a simply boiled new potato glistening with butter!
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