A bar of chocolate displayed on a shelf in Sainsbury's bears the message: " A mind detoxifying chocolate treat".
The three small children of a neighbour are lined up by the curb in Grosvenor Road. Their father runs after them to make sure they don't attempt a crossing unsupervised. "Wait," he says. They wait. Ever obedient, I wait too. Though I am not sure that I might not otherwise have done. Another car appears at the bottom of the hill. "Wait," he says. They wait, but, remembering that I am grown up and relatively free of such constraints I march forward, but not without a tremor of guilt.
There's an extra frisson in reading these last couple of posts. Two of the subjects touched on cropped up in conversation during our brief visit to TW and have gone on to be recycled in unforeseen ways. As if we were faintly related to a brain-storming session.
Sometimes I suspect that a continuous brainstorming session might be in progress.
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