For years I have tried to grow parsley in a parsley pot, an earthenware pot tapering towards the top, with holes in it through which the plants are trained. This year for the first time it has worked, a flourish of fronds, a green halo.
Today the leaves in The Grove are wet and exude Autumn smells, mushroomy and a little decadent. A gardening programme on BBC 1 recommends stuffing refuse bags with dead leaves and keeping them moist to make your own leaf mould.
I suspect Mr. Crow hears the music of the Major-General's Song as he struts along.
You've caught in your image one of the things I like most about crows: their unintentional pomposity in the way they walk. Makes me chuckle every time I see it.
(Sorry about the first post. Don't know what went wrong with it.)
I do love an arrogant Crow. Also fond of Ravens. Always look forward to your photos
and especially like the birds and cats.
it would have been spectacular if the user named "The Crow" had commented in behalf of Mr.Crow. Then i would have commented under the nickname "Mr. Crow" and ask who that imposter was.
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